Trusted by over 4,000 professionals in Australia
Do you have the experience but not the qualification?
Get Ready
For A Change!
Our requirements are extremely feasible and realistic, with the ease and efficiency of our process highlighted in the average time students take to gather all necessary evidence which is roughly between two to four days. The RPL process for most certificates takes 7-10 days to get processed, with some taking up to 21 days.
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At Certify You, we specialise in RPL assessments for real people seeking formal qualifications. RPL offers a flexible and efficient pathway for experienced individuals to obtain nationally recognised qualifications based on their existing skills, knowledge, and industry experience.
Want certification but don't have time to go back to school?
Its OK We Can Help You!
Our streamlined certification program recognises your existing skills, knowledge, and experience, eliminating the need for traditional classroom-based learning. With our efficient assessment and validation process, you can fast-track your certification journey.
What Our Clients Say
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